Tuesday, July 10, 2012

ode to green

This is meant to be a shameless encomium for my long-favored color.  If you have strong feelings about various other hues, I suggest an abrupt cessation of reading.  Also, I refuse to entertain accusations of fallacious argument.

As a brief means of introduction, I will humbly concede that, yes, each color has its own special character.  And yes, all colors are important and we would hardly be able to appreciate any one without the others.

But let's all just admit that green is great.

A recent conversation with a friend involved characterizing colors as they appear to speak to us with "Let's ______" statements.  Here are a few examples:

Black:  Let's get down to business.  (Points to anyone who just started singing about Huns).
Brown:  Let's chill.
Purple:  Let's be regal.  Or plant flowers.
Yellow:  Let's play.
Orange:  Let's giggle.
Blue:  Let's be calm.
Red:  Let's kill something.
Pink:  Let's be pastel and eat chocolate.
Green:  Let's be alive!

Given the statements above, one will easily discern green's incomparable importance.  The functions of all other colors are based upon the assumption that life is a given.  The existence of their respective characterizations - which are undoubtedly accurate - are contingent upon that understanding.  Green, however, is the personification of life itself.  Upon him, all other colors depend.

Now that we've roundly established green's unequivocal supremacy, let's further explore the many facets of his vivacious nature:

-  Green is lush and verdant, casting off the drab pall of winter and cloaking spring fields in the vibrant robe of resurrection.

-  Green is calm - not overwhelming to the eyes with the prick of agitation; but rather, soothing to the spirit with a salve of safety and peace.

-  Green is newness, refreshment.  Like a mouthful of water.  Rain water.

-  Green is strong and hardy, like a silent but indomitable strength.

-  Green is invigorating, adventurous, exciting!  He brushes the eyes with the implacable tickle of novelty.

-  Green is freedom, like open fields beckoning you with a thundering whisper.

Goodness.  Much as I jest, I really do love green... and I don't think my words can do him justice.

Let's just take a moment to enjoy green.  And let him speak for himself.

(P.S.  This wasn't really an ode.  More of a lauding ramble.)


  1. :) :) :) I love everything about this.

    Excellent argument.

    Very poetic lauding ramble, at least.

    Amazing photos.

    And you convinced me: I still must render my loyalty to the regal purple, but green is definitely next in line.


  2. Wow! I do believe this is the most compelling argument for the color green that I have ever heard. I would highly recommend it to anyone in search of a color to which they could pledge their loyalty :) However, I, like Jaimie, must stick with the color purple for the time being. It is, after all, the liturgical color of the season of the Church year that I cherish most. :)

    Thanks for this post and the vibrant pictures that accompanied it. All of the images have caused me to miss my home in the countryside . . .
